Transformation Possible

TPOHC (re)launch

I’m super excited to be announcing this. This is definitely the proudest of my brand I have ever been in my personal career. MY brand — feels so good to say that!

Originally, Transformation Possible Online Health Coaching launched in 2016 as an extension of my in-person coaching; but since then I have completely re-developed it to be a replication of my in-person training. This is a big deal because it’s a lot of work to make a great experience.

TPOHC started as digital resources for my clients to complement their sessions with me. Documents I made as a resources to support clients between sessions with me. It was my ‘side hustle’ after working a full day of in-person coaching. Now it is a complete training experience online. In many ways, online health & fitness coaching enables me to do a better job for clients while working for myself!

It took me years to build my online health & fitness coaching system, and when COVID closed all gyms, I rebuilt it all. I’ve spent my full-time all-day primary energy building to this relaunch.

Now I have an extensive exercise demonstration video library, an app for delivering individualized programs & tracking progress, and tons of guides & resources to support clients. It's a one-man show so I’m fiercely proud of it!

Relaunch Content

Guides - Reworked, re-branded, and expanded guides and resources to support the efforts of my clients. Check out the Jumpstart portion below for all info.

Website revamp - both and have been completely rebuilt. More content, nice colors, easier layout, and new media.

App update - rebrand and new content. This update will be most enjoyed by my clients. New programs, videos, settings, and branding.

New videos - I’ve been doing TONS of recording in my new home studio. Lights, camera, action! Oh and a hand painted custom background! See my free videos on YouTube

I’ve been procrastinating any kind of announcement because of a new fear of not being good enough. As I worked on it more, I thought it had to be better and better. The goalpost moving away because it seemed it it should be really great if it had taken me this long.

Vicious feedback loop here because the more energy and effort I put into it, the stronger I feel the success tied to my self-worth. Sounds corny but it’s true.

I spent the two years ‘re-doing’ the first four years of my online health & fitness coaching. Going over every part of my online coaching and changing it to replicate my in-person coaching. This is a bigger shift than it seems. I really changed to be working on my online coaching as though it was my in-person coaching…. Putting effort in all the hours I was no longer spending with clients in the gym because of the COVID closures.

I don’t say this to brag. Since I’ve put so much effort into making all these improvements, I've recently been feeling this pressure of “what if things aren’t good enough.” And the more I put in, the more impactful it will be to come up short. What If it’s not good enough after trying your best? I’m sure this isn’t a new idea — you probably know the feeling I’m describing. I’m sure others have felt this way in parts of their lives.

Read on for all the details and then a free offer for you.


01 NEW & IMPROVED Guides & Resources

I’ve been writing and making new content around all the most important factors in health & fitness. Now I have 50+ Resources & Guides. The list is huge so I put it at the end of this message so it doesn’t distract from the rest of the message. I’ll send you anything you’re interested in now!

02 NEW content & updates on my websites complete redesign & 50,000+ new words. Tons of health & fitness info here, now even easier to find. Much more to come here in the future! Complete redesign & 10 new pages but check out the page I am #1 most proud of.

The Pillars of Transformation Possible Online Health Coaching >

Those pages have ALL the info on how I’m offering online health & fitness coaching. These Pillars are what distinguishes my online coaching from other coaches.

03 NEW Facebook group: Online Fitness Success

I know not everyone uses Facebook, but for those who do, joining this group ensures you’ll see the useful health & fitness content I post on Facebook. This is a great way to keep up with me as I funnel all my various social media feeds toward Facebook. So be sure to join the group if you want more “Joey Dussel” in your life. :) I will also send you the group invite on Facebook. Just know that I’m not spam-inviting everyone. The group is only for my health & fitness contacts — clients, trainer friends, fit friends & family, etc. 

Facebook sometimes really squashes my posts… I think they are mistakenly flagged then suppressed by the algorithms since I post content around nutrition & fat loss. 


If Facebook isn’t your thing, check out my other social options at Subscribe to my blog Fitness Today for regular short health & fitness emails >

04 Updates to my app

Thanks for reading this far. I’ll make this section quick! For IOS, these updates will be automatic. Android users will need to download the app again.

  • App version update to fix bugs and add features (Hello wearable features for apple watch!).

  • NEW branding and imagery. This might not happen for a few days or weeks. Be on the lookout for it! You’ll recognize it from the website and all the guides. 

  • Lots of new programs! Vitality, Walking, Rejuvenation, Durability, Strength, Metabolic Conditioning, 6x ‘Patches”, and more!

  • Lots of new videos - finally worked through the footage I captured long ago… AND lots of new footage filmed from my home studio (more on that below).

05 NEW exercise demonstration videos from NEW home studio

I converted my spare bedroom to a fitness training & video recording room. It’s a perfect set up for online health & fitness coaching. I’ve been recording new exercise demonstrations videos and live-streaming workouts & seminars. It started small but now I need two hands to count the number of livestream workouts I lead each week!


  • 🎥 High quality camera

  • 💡💡💡studio lighting

  • 📶 ⚡️ upgraded internet for speed and & stability

  • Hand painted custom background

  • 👕 🩳  high visibility wardrobe so you can see me easily

  • 💻+ 🖥 big external display so I can see you easily! 😊

  • Enough space for any bodyweight exercise, and almost every bit of gear like a pull up bar, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, barbell, sandbag, and more!

I’ve recorded dozens of new health & fitness videos from this new studio! Look for those coming soon.


06 NEW 1-on-1 coaching from that studio 

I’m excited to offer hugely expanded 1-on-1 coaching. The tech in that studio empowers the digital connection to close in on matching the in-person experience. 

This isn’t a grainy webcam feed! I have the gear to make it easy for you to see me, and for me to see you. Online coaching is evolved and I’m on the crest of the wave so join me in some 1-on-1 sessions! We can work out together for accountability and I can demonstrate good technique for you.

07 What’s Coming Next

Here’s what I have coming up next

  • Even more videos. My best is yet to come! Just a huge amount of time needed for the editing & media processing.

  • Members Only Area on

  • WAY more health & fitness content on social media (your daily dose of Joey 😊)


Three options for coaching


#1: Over video chat

$75/hour, with 30-min, 45-min, & 60-min sessions available

100% private & secure. Zoom or Google Meet

My home studio set-up has:

  • High quality camera with zoom lens

  • Studio lights

  • Stable fast internet connection

  • Big external display so I can see you

  • High contrast wardrobe & background so you can see me


#2: In-person
@ my home studio

$90/hour, with 45-min, 60-min, and 90-min sessions available

Protections: I’m vaccinated + masks, physical distance, and sanitation.


  • Weights: dumbbells, kettlebells, barbell & plates

  • Bodyweight: pull up bar, padded floor area.

  • Bands & Gadgets: large bands, small bands, pads, gadgets

  • Odd items: like sandbag, keg, and even a martial arts grappling dummy


#3: In-person
@ private workout studio*


Protections: Occupancy capacity restrictions, masks, distancing, and sanitation.

*Unavailable until local COVID restrictions are lifted. Contact me to get notified when this becomes available.


Health & Fitness Jumpstart


Free Giveaway of all my resources

I’ll give you all the info & resources I’ve created coaching since 2007. Check out the lists below the gallery to get a preview of these resources.

Why give these away? To help you right now. I think if you have a desire to make an effort, then knowledge shouldn’t be a barrier.

You can get these resources by following these steps.

  1. Join my Facebook group or email me

  2. Comment or DM “I’m in”.

That’s it!

I’ll send you all these resources right away. And while I have you, be sure we are connected on social media and you subscribe to my blog Fitness Today.

Referral & Share

If it’s not too much to ask, please support me by sharing my content or referring me to others.

Please check out my websites and share with anyone you know who would appreciate no-nonsense health and fitness information. I am not trying to be a ‘guru’ or just a sexy muscle guy Instagram account. I’m here to help others towards own best health. I specialize in helping motivated adults develop life-long habits to regain their health with individualized coaching including education, guidance, support, and accountability.

For free health & fitness info >> (exercise technique videos, tips, nutrition, training gear, supplements, and more)

To get my 1-on-1 online coaching >>

Resources in Jumpstart


the health & fitness resources

  • Simple Guide to Healthier You

  • Complete Guide to Healthier You

  • Measurement Guide

  • Workout Journal and Tracker

  • Reality Based Body-fat scale

  • Health & Fitness Product Recommendations

  • Injury Prevention

  • Routines for High-Quality Sleep

  • Assessment System

  • Mobility Guide

  • SCARS Questionnaire

  • 4-part Morning Routine

  • Example Morning routine

  • Example ”Shark” Weekly Chores

  • Example Annual Grand Plan

  • Example Annual Review

  • Long Term Dream Plan

  • 80/20 Analysis / Problem Solving

the nutrition resources

  • Seven Day Food Log

  • Food Log Review

  • A Simple Guide to Your Nutrition

  • A Complete Guide to Your Nutrition

  • One Page Nutrition Overview

  • Nutrition Habits & Change Guide

  • Example Grocery List

  • Weekly Batch cooking

  • Daily Tracker and Portions

  • Sneaky Sugars

  • Pre and Post workout

  • No BS Guide to Supplements

  • Kitchen Advantages & Cookbook

  • Nutrition Terminology

  • Portions & timing

  • Weekly Planner and Daily Tracker

  • Personal Needs Calculator Spreadsheet

  • 35+ Easy Healthy Recipes
